Sleepwalking With Charlize Theron
After lascensione of the Hollywood Ladder for transformarsi in in one of the actresses of the A-list warmer on the planet, Charlize Theron can make it all. If it were drama In the Astronaut S Wife, nellazione in the Italian job, or its sbalorditiva rappresentazione dellassassino of series Aileen Wuornos in monster, even its role like continuous change of Aeon of the hottie of ski-ski-fi of Anim-$$$-VIV-AZIONE, Charlize Theron sure has differentiated its large folder of the screen. Hour Theron takes is to produce that to the reigns substitutes in Sleepwalking, a drama approximately one old girls fight of 11-year taking care itself of abandonment through its mother. To the recent curd for Sleepwalking, Theron it was more than happy than to speak about the game of the single mother, working with in on-and-up-and-comer young person Anna Sophia Robb, producing the film and that its they appreciate to finally be able to vote like citizen American..
Labels: Anna Sophia Robb, Astronaut Wife, Charlize Theron, Hollywood ladder, Sleepwalking
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